
Doklady BGUIR

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Modeling AlGaN p-i-n photodiodes


Ternary AlGaN alloys with a band gap of 3.4 to 6.2 eV are very promising for photodetectors in the UV wavelength range. Using the COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software based on AlGaN, a p-i-n photodiode model was developed, including its I–V characteristic, spectral sensitivity of the received radiation, absorption coefficient as a function of the aluminum fraction and the depletion layer thickness. To calculate the process of interaction of a semiconductor with EM radiation, we used a model based on the use of an element of the transition matrix through the carrier lifetime during spontaneous recombination. In this case, the peak sensitivity of the photodiode is from 0.08 to 0.18 A/W at wavelengths of 0.2–0.33 µm. This is in line with experimental results taken from the relevant literature.

About the Authors

N. N. Vorsin
Brest State Technical University

Nikolai N. Vorsin – PhD., Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at Physics Department 


A. A. Gladyshchu
Brest State Technical University

Anatolii A. Gladyshchuk – PhD., Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at Physics Department 


T. L. Kushner
Brest State Technical University

Tatsiana L. Kushner –  PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Physics Department 


N. P. Tarasiuk
Brest State Technical University

Nikolai Petrovich Tarasiuk – Senior Lecturer 

224017, Republic of Belarus, Brest, Moskovskaya St., 267, Brest State Technical University

S. V. Chugunov
Brest State Technical University

Sergey V. Chugunov – Senior Lecturer 


M. V. Borushko
Brest State Technical University

Marina V. Borushko – Senior Lecturer 



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For citations:

Vorsin N.N., Gladyshchu A.A., Kushner T.L., Tarasiuk N.P., Chugunov S.V., Borushko M.V. Modeling AlGaN p-i-n photodiodes. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(8):50-57.

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