
Doklady BGUIR

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Information-statistical approach to inverse optical problem solution for 3D disperse systems with nano- and micro particles


Multiparameter analysis of simultaneous optical data for 3D disperse systems (consisted from nano- and/or microparticles of different nature) by information-statistical methods can help to estimate the share of different types of particles in mixtures. At the solution of inverse optical problem for unknown poly-component 3D DS, the comparison of measured parameters with the known ones from the set of mono-component 3D DS can help to identify the component content of the system under study. The approach was tested on the biomineral water mixtures of kaolin clay and bacterium coli bacillus with the help of the program based on the information-statistical theory. To solve the impurity optical recognition tasks, the Base of optical data for 3D DS is needed.

About the Authors

A. G. Bezrukova
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnical University
Russian Federation

Alexandra Gennadievna Bezrukova – D.Sc., Senior Researcher, Corresponding member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on Strength Problems

195251, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Polytekhnicheskaya St., 29.

O L. Vlasova
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnical University
Russian Federation

Olga L. Vlasova – D.Sc., Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate School of Biomedical Systems and Technologies in the Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnology 

St. Petersburg


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For citations:

Bezrukova A.G., Vlasova O.L. Information-statistical approach to inverse optical problem solution for 3D disperse systems with nano- and micro particles. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(8):31-34.

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