Method for long-term coherent-noncoherent signal accumulation with non-zero higher derivatives range to radar target
A method of long-term combined accumulation of the reflected signal is justified, which provides for its division into disjoint subsets, coherent accumulation in subsets using one of the fast algorithms and subsequent incoherent accumulation of the squares of the modules of the results of processing the subsets. A distinctive method’s feature is the use with incoherent accumulation of maxima of the squares of the moduli of the coherent processing results, that are selected from the range / radial velocity regions in accordance with a given hypothesis about the minimum and maximum values of the target radial velocity and the radial acceleration detection channel setting.The efficiency of the method was confirmed by simulation modeling. Using the theories of ordinal statistics and the method of moments, a method for calculating the probability of correct detection is developed. Estimates of processing losses are made in comparison with coherent and incoherent accumulation algorithms for a signal reflected from a point target, for the case when there is no range and frequency migration. Estimates for the required number of receiver channels are given.
About the Authors
S. V. KozlovBelarus
Kozlov S.V., D.Sc., Associate Professor, Professor at the Information Radioengineering Department
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka Str., 6
tel. +375-17-293-89-11
Van Cuong Le
Le Van Cuong, Postgraduate student at the Information Radioengineering Department
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For citations:
Kozlov S.V., Le V. Method for long-term coherent-noncoherent signal accumulation with non-zero higher derivatives range to radar target. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(7):89-98. (In Russ.)