
Doklady BGUIR

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Mathematical simulation of the processes of two-beam laser controlled thermal-splitting of quartz glass


The paper presents the results of modeling the processes of controlled thermal cracking of quartz glass under the parallel action of two infrared laser beams of different geometries on the material: with maximum intensity in the center and with zero intensity in the center (annular section). To calculate the temperature distribution in the material, the method of Green's functions was used, which allows us to obtain a well-interpreted solution for almost any type of function of surface heat sources. Further, taking into account the quasi-static approach, using the methods of the classical theory of thermoelasticity, thermoelastic microstresses were calculated, both on the surface and in the depth of the material. It is established that the simultaneous use of these two types of laser exposure makes it possible to control the temperature field more efficiently, and create prerequisites for the most stable formation of a microcrack. The simulation results show that with a bi-beam effect, the micromechanical stresses necessary for the formation of a microcrack are realized in shorter time intervals, both on the surface and in the depth of the material, which allows increasing the processing speed by up to 30 %. Strengthening control over the process of controlled thermal cracking can significantly reduce the percentage of defects and improve the quality of the resulting microeletronics products.

About the Authors

V. A. Emelyanov
JSC “INTEGRALˮ – the managing company of the “Integralˮ holding

Emelyanov V.A., D.Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Member of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Honored Inventor of the Republic of Belarus


E. B. Shershnev
Francisk Skaryna Gomel State University

Shershnev E.B., PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Physics 


S. I. Sokolov
Francisk Skaryna Gomel State University

Sokolov S.I., Senior Lecturer at the Department of General Physics


A. N. Kupo
Francisk Skaryna Gomel State University

Kupo A.N., PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Information and Computing Center



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For citations:

Emelyanov V.A., Shershnev E.B., Sokolov S.I., Kupo A.N. Mathematical simulation of the processes of two-beam laser controlled thermal-splitting of quartz glass. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(7):80-88. (In Russ.)

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