Parallel region growing of half-tone images based on selected average brightness of the area along the growth route
The problem of parallel segmentation of halftone images by brightness for implementation on the basis of programmable logic integrated circuits is considered. Segmentation divides an image into regions formed from pixels with approximately the same brightness, and is a computationally complex operation due to multiple checks of the value of each pixel for the possibility of joining an adjacent region. To speed up segmentation, parallel algorithms for growing areas have been developed, in which processing begins from the neighborhoods of preselected initial growth pixels. The condition of joining an adjacent pixel to an area takes into account the average brightness of the area to limit the variance of its pixel values. Therefore, when each new pixel is added to the area, its average brightness is recalculated. This leads to high time complexity. In some parallel algorithms, the sample mean is calculated in a small window, which makes it possible to slightly reduce the time complexity when matching the window size with the segment sizes. To significantly reduce the temporal complexity, the article proposes a model for the parallel growth of image regions based on a simplified condition for joining adjacent pixels to a region, taking into account the sample average value of the region's brightness along the growth route connecting the boundary pixel of the region and the initial growth pixel through a sequence of pixels used to attach the considered boundary pixel to area. A significant decrease in the temporal complexity of the proposed model of parallel growing of image regions in comparison with the known models is achieved due to a slight increase in the spatial complexity.
About the Author
V. Yu. TsviatkouBelarus
Tsviatkou Viktar Yu., PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Infocommunications
220013, Minsk, P. Brovky str., 6
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For citations:
Tsviatkou V.Yu. Parallel region growing of half-tone images based on selected average brightness of the area along the growth route. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(6):83-91. (In Russ.)