
Doklady BGUIR

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Stabilization of noise parameters during annealing of highly alloyed structures of noise diodes


Stabilization of residual point defects at the finishing stages of noise diodes can be ensured by the selection of appropriate ignition modes and the environment of its conduct. The method and technology of reducing the concentration of point defects in the structure of p-n-transition, taking into account the content of impurities of secondary metals, oxygen and nitrogen is proposed. It has been established that the burning of readymade structures and diodes of noise generators in nitrogen environments at temperatures of 450…600 °С for (80 ± 3) min leads to an increase in spectral noise density and a significant (twice) reduction of its unevenness. The most important result of this burn is a reduction in the spread of the average values of the noise parameters studied: by 61.2 % in effective noise voltage; spectral density by 34.2 %; at the boundary frequency of the signal by 34.9 %; in non-linear density by 25.9 %. This improves the quality of random numerical sequences in information protection software systems.

About the Authors

V. V. Busliuk
Brest State Technical University

Busliuk Viktar V., Laboratory Head and Associate Professor at the Department of Computers and Systems


V. A. Emelyanov
“INTEGRAL” Joint Stock Company

Emelyanov Victor A., D.Sc., Professor, Corresponding Мember of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, Principal Specialist


V. V. Baranov
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Baranov Valentin V., D.Sc., Professor, Professor at the Department of Information and Computer Systems Design


S. S. Derechennik
Brest State Technical University

Derechennik Stanislav S., PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Computers and Systems

224017, Brest, Moskovskaya str., 267

V. S. Prasalovich
Belarusian State University

Prasalovich Uladislau S., PhD, Associate professor, Head of the Laboratory of Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Associate Professor at the Department of Semiconductor Physics and Nanoelectronics



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For citations:

Busliuk V.V., Emelyanov V.A., Baranov V.V., Derechennik S.S., Prasalovich V.S. Stabilization of noise parameters during annealing of highly alloyed structures of noise diodes. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(6):32-41. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)