Method for synthesis of matching devices for broadband radio engineering systems with unstable load impedance based on the method of real frequencies
The aim of this work is to develop a method for the synthesis of matching devices for broadband radio engineering systems with varying impedance in different operating conditions. To achieve this goal, a criterion (complex criterion) is proposed for minimizing the value of the modulus of the sensitivity invariant of the reflection coefficient function to a change in the load impedance with restrictions on the square of the deviation of the power transmission ratio from a given level. It is proposed to use a combination of methods of real frequencies together with the shown complex criterion, which made it possible to implement an effective approach to the synthesis of matching devices for broadband radio engineering systems with an unstable load impedance. To verify the approach, a matching device was synthesized, which made it possible to reduce the loss of the power transmission factor level transmitted to the UHF/VHF antenna of the AD-44 / CW-TA-30-512 range when it is located in various operating conditions by at least 50 % in relation to losses obtained with a standard matching device.
About the Authors
I. A. DubovikBelarus
Dubovik Ilya A., M.Sc, Adjunct
220057, Minsk, Independence Avе. 22
P. V. Boykachev
Boykachev Pavel V., PhD., Associate Professor, Head of the Cycle of the Department of Automation, Radar and Transceiver Devices
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For citations:
Dubovik I.A., Boykachev P.V. Method for synthesis of matching devices for broadband radio engineering systems with unstable load impedance based on the method of real frequencies. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(5):70-78. (In Russ.)