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Аnalysis of the technical and dosimetric characteristics of the brachytherapy afterloaders. Ring applicator


A study of the technical and dosimetry characteristics of brachytherapy afterloaders and applicators was carried out. Ring applicator has been taken as an example, the correctness of positioning of a radiation source (RS) inside the applicators was tested as part of the comissioning and quality control procedure of the brachytherapy applicators. The magnitudes of inconsistencies in the position of RS were established when planning and implementing treatment plans for radiation therapy. The identification of the values of the discrepancy was carried out using the obtained X-ray images of the applicator at the time of the implementation of the irradiation plans. The treatment plan was a sequential positioning of RS in the body of the applicator in each active position with a minimum step from the tip to the vaginal part of the applicator. The X-ray image was obtained by locating the source sequentially at each active position of the applicator. When carrying out dosimetric planning, 3 methods of applicator reconstruction were used. The analysis revealed that the applicator reconstruction method affects the magnitude of the discrepancy in determining the position of the source in the lumen of the applicator ring. Using the methods of statistical analysis, the mean, median, maximum and minimum values of the detected deviations were calculated. The results are presented in the form of tables and graphs for all investigated stop positions of IRS. Based on the results of the study, we consider it expedient to carry out quality control procedures when putting applicators into clinical operation. Based on the results obtained, we consider it acceptable to conduct a quality control procedure for the positioning accuracy of radiation sources in the applicators at least 1 time per month. Taking into account the results of the study when carrying out dosimetric planning will improve the quality of the irradiation sessions using the brachytherapy method, thereby improving the quality of oncological care for the population.

About the Authors

D. I. Kazlouski
International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belorussian State University

Kazlouski Dzianis I., Postgraduate student

220070, Minsk, Dolgobrodskaya str., 23/1

Y. V. Titovich

Titovich Yahor V., PhD, Medical Physicist


Y. I. Kazlouskaya
N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre

Kazlouskaya Yuliya I., Medical Physicist



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For citations:

Kazlouski D.I., Titovich Y.V., Kazlouskaya Y.I. Аnalysis of the technical and dosimetric characteristics of the brachytherapy afterloaders. Ring applicator. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(5):13-20. (In Russ.)

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