Method of optimization of the robot-manipulator position in the technological process of laser cutting
A promising direction for the production processes modernization which uses laser cutting of metal blanks is the creation of the robotic lines that perform cutting operations with high productivity and accuracy. Modern robotic manipulators with rotational axes allow to orientate the tool quite effectively when performing laser cutting operations, however, their widespread adoption isconstrained by the low efficiency of the known approaches to the layout of robotic lines. Such approaches are based on the use of standard design solutions with a further search for the robot links movements by trial and error, and often do not allow to ensure the required quality of the cutting tool path. In this paper, we propose a new technique for optimizing the robot-manipulator position relative to the cutting contour, which takes into account, compared with known approaches, constraints on the possibilities of the cutting tool movements, as well as kinematic and geometric constraints on the movements of the robot itself. The proposed technique is based on a kinematic model of a robot manipulator and a cutting tool and allows finding the coordinates of the robot manipulator base position, at which it can move the cutting tool along the cutting contour with a minimum range of movements in the joints. The search of the optimal coordinates of the robotic manipulator base position iscarried out in two stages. At the first stage, the area of admissible values of the coordinates of the base isdiscretized with a certain step and for each discrete value it is a trajectory sought on which the range of movements in the joints of the robot is minimized. This allows to take into account technological constraints on the orientation of the cutting tool relative to the cutting contour, as well as kinematic and geometric restrictions on the movements of the robot manipulator. At the second stage a position of the base is selected which corresponds to the minimal volume of movement when the technological tool is moving along the cutting contour. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated on model examples. The technique can be used inthe design of new layouts of robotic systems for laser cutting of metal blanks for mechanical engineering enterprises.
About the Authors
M. M. KazheunikauBelarus
Kazheunikau Mikhail Mikhailovich, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Production
212027, Mogilev, Shmidta str., 3
tel. +375-29-240-75-99
O. A. Chumakou
PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Control System Department
I. E. Iliushin
Russian Federation
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Production
212027, Mogilev, Shmidta str., 3
tel. +375-29-240-75-99
А. А. Jurkina
Russian Federation
Postgraduate student at the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Production
212027, Mogilev, Shmidta str., 3
tel. +375-29-240-75-99
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For citations:
Kazheunikau M.M., Chumakou O.A., Iliushin I.E., Jurkina А.А. Method of optimization of the robot-manipulator position in the technological process of laser cutting. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(3):49-57. (In Russ.)