Two-beam laser purification of quartz raw material
The paper presents a numerical simulation of laser separation under the influence of laser beams with wavelengths of 10.6 microns and 1.06 microns on quartz raw material used in the electronics industry in the manufacture of photomasks. The temperature fields obtained by the finite element method and the analytical solution are compared. The temperature distribution to a depth of 50 microns is almost the same when using both methods of solution, while with increasing depth the temperature difference increases by 10 %, which allows using both methods of solution, since in practice the temperature distribution in the near-surface layers, which determines the formation of agglomerates with impurity inclusions, is more important. It is revealed that the efficiency of separation of quartz raw material depends on the processing speed and the energy properties of laser radiation, which allows to choose the optimal processing parameters that ensure the effective formation of agglomerates containing impurity inclusions. Experimental studies of bi-beam laser cleaning of quartz raw material were carried out, which allowedus to determine the optimal processing parameters of quartz raw material for effective cleaning of it from impurity inclusions, that make it possible to manufacture photomasks used in the production of microcircuits with improved performance characteristics.
About the Authors
V. A. EmelyanovBelarus
D.Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Member of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Honored
Inventor of the Republic of Belarus
E. B. Shershnev
PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Physics
246019, Gomel, Sovietskaya str., 104
tel. 8-0232-50-38-17
S. I. Sokolov
Sokolov Sergey Ivanovich, Senior Lecturer at the Department
of General Physics
246019, Gomel, Sovietskaya str., 104
tel. 8-0232-50-38-17
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For citations:
Emelyanov V.A., Shershnev E.B., Sokolov S.I. Two-beam laser purification of quartz raw material. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(3):40-48. (In Russ.)