Сomparative analysis of the change of oxygen nonstoichiometry and superstructural ordering of Fe/Mo cations in the strontium ferromolybdate
Sr2FeMoO6–δ single-phase samples without Fe/Mo cations superstructural ordering (P) and with Curie temperature 407 K were obtained by the solid-phase technique. According to the XRD data, the growth dynamics of the parameter P is nonlinear. In this case, the process of reaching maximum values of P (Pmax) is long and its rate is several times lower than the change of the oxygen index 6–δ. It was found that with increasing temperature of isothermal annealing, P increases and reaches maximal values 88 % at T = 1320 K for 120 h, Pmax = 92 % at T = 1420 K for 100 h, while Pmax = 90 % at T = 1470 K for 45 h. One can assume that the lower values of Pmax at T = 1470 K than at T = 1420 K are due to the influence of thermal energy on the destruction of chain ordering of Fe and Mo cations placed in staggered order. Based on the analysis of P time dependences, two relaxation processes can be found and the dP/dt = ¦(t) can be divided into two regions – I and II. In the region I the relaxation time is shorter than that in the region II. The point is that the ordering of cations in the –O–Fe–O–Mo–O chains in the region I requires atomic displacements by approximately one interatomic distance, whereas in the region II cation displacements occur over long distances with the formation of long[1]chain long-range ordering.
About the Authors
L. I. HurskiBelarus
Hurski Leonid Ilyich - Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus, D.Sc., Professor, Main Researcher at the Centre 10.1
220013, Minsk, P. Brovka , 6
tel. +375-17-293-85-17
N. A. Kalanda
PhD, Leading Researcher at the Department of Cryogenic Research
М. V. Yarmolich
PhD, Senior Researcher at the Department of Cryogenic Research
А. V. Petrov
PhD, Senior Researcher at the Department of Cryogenic Research
D. A. Golosov
PhD, Assosiate Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology
М. V. Kirosirova
Leading Engineer
О. V. Ignatenko
PhD, Deputy General Director, Head of the Laboratory of High Pressure Physics and Superhard Materials
А. L. Zhaludkevich
Researcher at the Laboratory of High Pressure Physics and Superhard Materials
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For citations:
Hurski L.I., Kalanda N.A., Yarmolich М.V., Petrov А.V., Golosov D.A., Kirosirova М.V., Ignatenko О.V., Zhaludkevich А.L. Сomparative analysis of the change of oxygen nonstoichiometry and superstructural ordering of Fe/Mo cations in the strontium ferromolybdate. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(2):14-21. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.35596/1729-7648-2021-19-2-14-21