Correlation of composition, aspect ratio and magnetic resistance of multilayer micro- and nanowires of the “ferromagnetic / diamagnetic” type
The results of study of the giant magnetoresistance coefficient (GMR) in multilayer micro- and nanowires based on successively alternating ferromagnetic (Co, CoNi and NiFe) and diamagnetic (Cu) layers are presented in the paper. The samples were obtained by electrochemical deposition into the matrix pores. Aluminum oxide was used as matrices. To establish the influence of the aspect ratio, matrices of two types were used: with a pore diameter of 8 µm and 170–200 nm and a variable thickness from 10 to 60 µm. Investigations of the GMR coefficient were carried out by measuring the current-voltage characteristics in external magnetic fields up to 130 mT. When using type I matrices (pore diameter 8 μm), a positive GMR coefficient (an increase in electrical resistivity in an external magnetic field) was noted, while when using type II matrices (pore diameter 170–200 nm), a negative GMR coefficient was established (a decrease in electrical resistance in an external magnetic field). This is due to the enhancement of the interactions of spin-polarized electrons in the magnetic layers through the copper layer through the RKKY exchange with an increase in the aspect ratio. A significant effect of the composition of the ferromagnetic layer (Co, CoNi, and NiFe) on the value of the GMR coefficient is noted. The maximum value of the negative GMR coefficient (up to –27.5 %) was established for the CoNi-based nanowire system. The use of multilayer micro- and nanowires, electrolytically deposited in a matrix of aluminum oxide with the ability to control the GMR coefficients, opens up perspective use of these objects as sensitive elements (sensors) of a constant magnetic field, as well as devices for storing magnetic information with a vertical principle.
About the Author
V. M. FedosyukBelarus
Fedosyuk V.M.- D.Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus, General Director
220072, Minsk, P. Brovki str., 19
tel. +375-17-322-27-91
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For citations:
Fedosyuk V.M. Correlation of composition, aspect ratio and magnetic resistance of multilayer micro- and nanowires of the “ferromagnetic / diamagnetic” type. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(2):5-13. (In Russ.)