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Intelligent system construction as consequent transformation of the model range of its functional prototypes


Application of the technology of consecutive construction of the functionally expanding model range of structural system prototypes is an advanced conceptual development direction of intellectual systems construction methods. The guiding principle of intellectual system construction under the suggested technology is that a highly sophisticated system is worked out and adjusted by stages with the use of the structural increment and functional complexity parallel-sequential scheme. At every construction step it is implemented in the form of a hardware and software complex – the structural prototype with a certain set of allocated components and performed functions. The structural prototype is understood as a certain version of its construction in the form of a logical or physical model, which includes a predetermined set of information, technical and software tools, performs system functions, makes it possible to evaluate the achieved parameter levels, as well as ensures further system build-up and development. Verbal-heuristic and graphic-heuristic models, which reflect the set of original requirements and the intelligent system structure, are used as mandatory prototypes of primary levels. The mandatory prototype of subsequent levels of the system technology includes a material model of the system nucleus, which combines hardware and software components, where joint functioning delivers the required set of integrative systematic properties. Sequential step-by-step choice of all the more complex prototypes with simultaneous enrichment of the composition of applied tools and performed system functions forms the expanded model range of the system. In the practice of systems development it is limited with a certain upper level prototype, which meets preset technical requirements to the system. Step-by- step development and adjustment of models, which are highly complicated prototypes, with the use of the parallel-sequential scheme of their structural enrichment and functional complication, is the effective technological trend of co-engineering.

About the Authors

A. V. Gulay
Belarusian National Technical University

Gulay Anatoly Vladimirovich - Associate Professor, Head of the Intelligent and Mechatronic Systems Department

220013, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 65

tel. +375-29-251-46-42

V. M. Zaitsev
Belarusian National Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Intelligent and Mechatronic Systems Department



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For citations:

Gulay A.V., Zaitsev V.M. Intelligent system construction as consequent transformation of the model range of its functional prototypes. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(1):37-45. (In Russ.)

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