Algorithm for the analysis of kinematic characteristics of running
About the Authors
N. S. DavydovaBelarus
Davydova N.S., PhD, Аssociate Professor, Associate Professor of the Infocommunication Technologies Department
220013, Republic of Belarus Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6
V. Е. Vasiuk
Vasiuk V.Е., PhD (Pedagogics), Аssociate Professor, Head of the Sports Engineering Department
N. A. Paramonova
Paramonova N.А., PhD (Biology), Аssociate Professor, Аssociate Professor of the Sports Engineering Department
М. М. Mezhennaya
Mezhennaya М.M., PhD, Аssociate Professor, Аssociate Professor of the Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics Department
D. I. Guseinov
Guseinov D.I., PhD student of the Sports Engineering Department
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For citations:
Davydova N.S., Vasiuk V.Е., Paramonova N.A., Mezhennaya М.М., Guseinov D.I. Algorithm for the analysis of kinematic characteristics of running. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(8):37-45. (In Russ.)