
Doklady BGUIR

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Development of neoplastic region selection algorithm based on breast cancer whole slide image


Analysis of breast cancer whole-slide image is an extremely labor-intensive process. Histological whole slide images have the following features: a high degree of tissue diversity both in one image and between different images, hierarchy, a large amount of graphic information and different artifacts. In this work, pre-processing of breast cancer whole-slide tissue image was carried out, which included normalization of the color distribution and the image area selection. We reduced the operating time of the other algorithms and excluded areas of breast cancer whole-slide tissue with a background to analyze. Also, an algorithm for finding similar neoplastic regions for semi-automatic selection using various image descriptors has been developed and implemented.

About the Authors

S. N. Rjabceva
Institute of Physiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Rjabceva S.N., PhD, the Head of Laboratory “Center of Electron and Light Microscopy” 

220072, Republic of Belarus Minsk, Academicheskaya str., 28

V. A. Kovalev
United Institute of Informatics Problem of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kovalev V.A., PhD, the Head of Laboratory “Biomedical Image Analysis”


V. D. Malyshev
United Institute of Informatics Problem of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Malyshev V.D., Software Engineer of Laboratory “Biomedical Image Analysis”


I. A. Siamionik
Institute of Physiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Siamionik I.A., PhD, Senior Researcher of Laboratory “Center of Electron and Light Microscopy”


M. A. Derevyanko
Institute of Physiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Derevyanko M.A., PhD, Senior Researcher of Laboratory “Center of Electron and Light Microscopy”


R. A. Moskalenko
Sumy State University
Moskalenko R.A., D.Sci, Associate Professor of the Pathological Anatomy Department

A. S. Dovbysh
Sumy State University
Dovbysh A.S., D.Sci, Professor Professor of the Computer Sciences Department

T. R. Savchenko
Sumy State University
Savchenko T.R., Student of the Computer Sciences Department

A. N. Romaniuk
Sumy State University
Romaniuk A.N., D.Sci, Professor of the Pathological Anatomy Department


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For citations:

Rjabceva S.N., Kovalev V.A., Malyshev V.D., Siamionik I.A., Derevyanko M.A., Moskalenko R.A., Dovbysh A.S., Savchenko T.R., Romaniuk A.N. Development of neoplastic region selection algorithm based on breast cancer whole slide image. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(8):21-28. (In Russ.)

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