
Doklady BGUIR

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Spectral properties of indotricarbocyanine dye in tissues of experimental animals


The paper presents the results of studies of the spectral properties of a photosensitizer based on indotricarbocyanine dye when accumulating in tissues of experimental animals. Using laser fluorescence spectroscopy, the in vivo and ex vivo fluorescence spectra of tissue-localized indotricarbocyanine dye were obtained for different time counts after intravenous administration. The profile of the pharmacokinetics of its accumulation and withdrawal was determined from the change in the intensity of fluorescence in the tumor and healthy muscle tissues of the photosensitizer. A monotonic deformation of its fluorescence spectrum was revealed in the tissues of tumor nodes and muscles of the thigh when registered through the skin over time after intravenous administration. The achievement of the maximum accumulation of the photosensitizer in the tumor correlates with the stabilization of the shape of its in vivo fluorescence spectrum. Thus, the maximum shift can be used as a diagnostic indicator of the maximum accumulation of indotricarbocyanine photosensitizer in the tumor tissues. The results were confirmed for two groups of animals: the first one – black mice of the C57Bl/6 line with an inoculated tumor of Clone M3 melanoma, the second – white mice of the ICR line with an inoculated tumor of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. The analysis of the shape of the fluorescence spectrum of the photosensitizer during registration through the skin for animals with different colors has been carried out.

About the Authors

M. P. Samtsov
A.N Sevchenko Institute for Applied Physical Problems of BSU

Samtsov M.P., D.Sci, Associate Professor, Head of the Spectroscopy Laboratory


D. S. Tarasov
A.N Sevchenko Institute for Applied Physical Problems of BSU; Belarussian State University

Tarasov D.S., PhD, Researcher of the Spectroscopy Laboratory 

220045, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Kyrchatov str. 7

A. Р. Lugovski
A.N Sevchenko Institute for Applied Physical Problems of BSU

Lugovski A.P., PhD, Leading Researcher of the Spectroscopy Laboratory


Р. Т. Petrov
The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences

Petrov P.T., PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Testing


A. О. Savin
The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences

Savin A.O., Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Toxicology


R. D. Zilberman
The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences

Zilberman R.D., Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Toxicology


E. S. Voropay
Belarussian State University

Voropay E.S., D.Sci, Professor, Professor of the Department of Laser Physics and Spectroscopy



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For citations:

Samtsov M.P., Tarasov D.S., Lugovski A.Р., Petrov Р.Т., Savin A.О., Zilberman R.D., Voropay E.S. Spectral properties of indotricarbocyanine dye in tissues of experimental animals. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(8):5-13. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)