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Study on the properties of stretchable belt under deformation


The purpose of this work is to theoretically study the contact interaction of a pre-stretched flexible elastic tensile belt with a fixed pulley. The case of linear distribution of the specific pressure from the pulley on the belt along the length of the coverage arc is considered. For this case, an expression is obtained for the belt tension force distributed along the coverage arc. It is shown that for a flexible link in the form of a tape, there are two types of sections within the coverage arc: two symmetrically arranged sections of an elastically deformable tape corresponding to the sliding arcs, and a section of a non-deformable tape located between them. Under certain conditions, there is no non-deformable section of the tape, i.e. the tape is elastically deformed within the entire coverage arc, which in this case is a sliding arc. Theoretical studies of the contact interaction of an elastically deformable flexible link with a fixed pulley have revealed the effect of independence of the length of the sliding arc, i.e., the flexible link that is deformed in the coverage area, from the tension force. The length of this section is determined by the angle of coverage and the coefficient of friction for the flexible link and pulley materials. The results obtained add to the information about the mechanics of interaction of the flexible link with the leading and driven links of the belt drive and allow you to get additional information about the phenomenon of elastic sliding that occurs in these gears.

About the Author

N. V. Vyshinski
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronic

Vyshinski Nikolai Vladimirovicz, PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics

220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovki str., 6

tel. +375-17-293-89-73


1. Vyshinski, N.V. [Technical mechanics]. Minsk: IVC Minfina; 2006. (In Russ.)

2. Timoshenko S.P., Dj. Gere. [Material mechanics]. Moscow: Mir; 1976. (In Russ.)


For citations:

Vyshinski N.V. Study on the properties of stretchable belt under deformation. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(6):11-17. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)