
Doklady BGUIR

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Avalanche leds based on nanostructured silicon for optical interconnections


The paper analyzes the parameters of silicon avalanche LEDs and their use for electron-optical signal transmission systems. The advantages of silicon avalanche LEDs are shown, among which high speed and compatibility with silicon technology should be highlighted. Experimental avalanche LEDs based on nanostructured silicon were fabricated and studied. The results of controlling the electroluminescence spectrum of avalanche LEDs due to the choice of production conditions to form nanostructured silicon are presented. It was found that the temperature of the substrate during the deposition of the surface nanocomposite aluminum + silicon film affected the size of the formed silicon nanoparticles determining the spectral characteristics of avalanche LEDs. This allows shifting the maximum of their emission spectrum to a shorter wavelength region of the visible range due to the forming of smaller silicon nanoparticles. The authors have developed an optical interconnection system consisting of avalanche LEDs based on nanostructured silicon and a microchannel silicon wafer used to transmit a light signal. The study of various operating modes of the developed optoelectronic system was performed and an increase in the efficiency of optocouple based on avalanche LEDs to 0.2% due to the pulsed operating mode was achieved. It is shown that the efficiency of the optocouple increases with LED current and it is the pulsed mode of its operation that is characterized by the maximum current, which is due to more efficient removal of Joule heat in the intervals between pulses, ensuring stable operation of the entire system. The results obtained open up new opportunities for the development of optical interconnections between silicon chips and silicon optoelectronics in general.

About the Authors

Le Dinh Vi
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Le Dinh Vi - PG student of Micro- and nanoelectronics Department of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

220013, Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6.

A. A. Leshok
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Andrei A. Leshok - PhD, Head of Center 4.11 of Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

220013, Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6.

A. V. Dolbik
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Alexander V. Dolbik - Research Worker of laboratory 4.12 of R&D Department of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

220013, Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6.

S. L. Perko
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Sergey L. Perko - PG student of Micro- and nanoelectronics Department of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

220013, Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6.

S. K. Lazarouk
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Sergey K. Lazarouk - DSci., Head of laboratory 4.12 of R&D Department of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

220013, Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6.


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For citations:

Vi L.D., Leshok A.A., Dolbik A.V., Perko S.L., Lazarouk S.K. Avalanche leds based on nanostructured silicon for optical interconnections. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(3):63-71. (In Russ.)

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