Procedure of definition of structure and parameters of multi-band matching circuits on the basis of intracavitary complex criterion for conformity to the ideal filter
About the Authors
V. N. ShashokBelarus
Shashok V.N., PhD, Аssociate Professor, Professor of Automation, Radar and Transceiving Devices Department
A. S. Kanaplizki
Kanaplitski Andrei Stepanovich, PG student of Automation, Radar and Transceiving Devices Department
220057, Minsk, Nezavisimosty аve., 220 tel. +375-44-594-00-48
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For citations:
Shashok V.N., Kanaplizki A.S. Procedure of definition of structure and parameters of multi-band matching circuits on the basis of intracavitary complex criterion for conformity to the ideal filter. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(4):62-70. (In Russ.)