Mechatronic device of AI systems
About the Authors
A. Y. KulshaBelarus
Kulsha A.Y., student of Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks
M. A. Klimovich
Klimovich M.A., student of Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks
M. V. Sterjanov
Sterjanov M.V., PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Informatics Department
V. N. Tesluk
Teslyuk V.N., PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Informatics Department
N. G. Egorova
Egorova N.G., PhD, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Mathematical Cybernetics
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For citations:
Kulsha A.Y., Klimovich M.A., Sterjanov M.V., Tesluk V.N., Egorova N.G. Mechatronic device of AI systems. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(4):28-35. (In Russ.)