Educational sevices quality assessment methods classification
About the Authors
N. S. BugroBelarus
V. N. Yarmolik
1. DeVellis Robert F. Scale development: theory and applications. London, 2003.
2. Lodge Milton. Magnitude scaling: quantitative measurement of opinions. London, 1981.
3. Sridhar M.S. // Measurement and Scaling Techniques. 2007.
4. Krus D.J., Kennedy P.H. // Educational and Psychological Measurement. 1977. P. 189-193.
5. Stevens Stanley Smith // Science. 1946. P. 677-680.
6. Narens L. // Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 1981. P. 249-275.
7. Likert Rensis // Archives of Psychology. 1932. P. 1-55.
8. Osgood C.E., Suci G., Tannenbaum P. The measurement of meaning. Urbana, 1957.
9. Guttman L. // The American Soldier. New York, 1950.
10. Thurstone, L.L. // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1928. № 21. P. 384-400.
11. Thurstone L.L. // American Journal of Sociology.1928. № 33. P. 529-554.
12. George A. Miller // The Psychological Review. 1956. Vol. 63. P. 81-97.
For citations:
Bugro N.S., Yarmolik V.N. Educational sevices quality assessment methods classification. Doklady BGUIR. 2013;(5):37-42. (In Russ.)