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The automorphisms and error orbits of Reed – Solomon codes


The purpose of this work with its results presented in the article was to develop and transfer to the class of Reed – Solomon codes (RS-codes) the basic provisions of the theory of syndrome norms (TNS), previously developed for the noise-resistant coding of the class of Bose – Chaudhuri – Hocquenghem codes (BCH-codes), which is actively used in theory and practice. To achieve this goal, a transition has been made in the interpretation of the theory of RS-codes from polynomial to matrix language. This approach allows you to fully use the capabilities of Galois field theory. The main difficulty of RS-codes is that they rely on a non-binary alphabet. The same factor is attractive for practical applications of RS-codes. The matrix language allows you to break the syndromes of errors into components that are elements of the Galois field – the field of definition of RS-codes. The TNS for BCH codes is based on the use of automorphisms of these codes – cyclic and cyclotomic substitutions. Automorphisms of RS-codes are studied in detail. The cyclic substitution belongs to the categories of automorphisms of RS-codes and generates a subgroup Г of order N (code length). The cyclotomic substitution does not belong to the class of automorphisms of RS-codes – the power of the alphabet greater than 2 prevents this. When expanding the concept of automorphism of a code beyond substitutions of coordinates of vectors to automorphisms of RS-codes, homotheties or affine substitutions can be attributed, since they also form a cyclic group A of order N. It is shown that cyclic and affine substitutions commute with each other, which, generally speaking, is not typical for linear operators and substitutions. The group Г of cyclic substitutions, the group A of affine substitutions, and the combined AГ group of order N2 generate 3 types of error orbits in RS-codes. The structure of the orbits of errors with respect to the action of groups A, Г and the combined group AГ is studied {231 words}.

About the Authors

S. I. Semyonov
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus

Semyonov Sergey Ivanovich, M.Sci., PG student of Information and Computing Systems Department

220057, Minsk, Nezavisimosty avе., 220,  tel. +375-29-593-24-07

V. A. Lipnitsky
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
Lipnitsky V.А., D.Sci., Professor, Head of High Mathematics Department


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For citations:

Semyonov S.I., Lipnitsky V.A. The automorphisms and error orbits of Reed – Solomon codes. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(4):20-27. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)