
Doklady BGUIR

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The selection method of parameters of the device correlation filter processing of wideband linear-frequency-modulated signal


The features of correlation-filter processing of broadband linear-frequency-modulated signal with full frequency demodulation are considered. The method of calculation of parameters of signals and the spectroanalyzer at high resolution on range in relation to radar stations of maintenance of the purposes of various basing on small and medium distances is presented.

About the Authors

E. N. Builov
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
Russian Federation

The scientific employee of research laboratory the department of automatics, radiolocation and transceivers devices.
220057, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 220, tel. +375-29-852-99-82

S. A. Gorhkov
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
Russian Federation
PhD, assistant professor, professor of the department of automatics, radiolocation and transceivers devices.220057, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 220 


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For citations:

Builov E.N., Gorhkov S.A. The selection method of parameters of the device correlation filter processing of wideband linear-frequency-modulated signal. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(5):101-108. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)