Formation of titanium oxide thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering
The article presents the results of studies of the dielectric characteristics of titanium oxide films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering of a Ti target in an Ar/O2 gas mixture. Dependencies of dielectric constant, dielectric loss tangent, band gap, leakage current density on oxygen content in Ar/O2 gas mixture during film deposition were established. Films with a dielectric constant of 20-30 units, a dielectric loss tangent of 0,02, a band gap of 3,82 eV, a leakage current density of less than 1,0 A/cm2 at an electric field strength of 2,0*106 V/cm, were obtained.
About the Authors
N. VillaBelarus
Villa Nomar - PG student of Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics.
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki st., 6, tel. +375-17-293-80-79
D. A. Golosov
PhD, associate professor, senior researcher of Center 9.1 of Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics.
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki st., 6
T. D. Nguyen
PG student of Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics.
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki st., 6
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For citations:
Villa N., Golosov D.A., Nguyen T.D. Formation of titanium oxide thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(5):87-93. (In Russ.)