The time component of analytical model of the air traffic control dispatcher actions
It has been considered the mathematical apparatus, allowing to find time characteristics of air traffic control dispatcher actions with the interface of an automated workplace of the regional dispatching centre of Uniform system of air movement organisation of Republic of Belarus.
About the Authors
O. A. KaptsevichBelarus
PhD, leading researcher
A. V. Dubovskiy
Head of the department of movement organisation and safety maintenance on air transport
D. I. Rabchenok
Rabchenok Dmitry Ivanovich - leading engineer.
220013, Minsk, Kulman st., 2-1, pr.1-143 tel. +375-29-399-46-62
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For citations:
Kaptsevich O.A., Dubovskiy A.V., Rabchenok D.I. The time component of analytical model of the air traffic control dispatcher actions. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(5):79-86. (In Russ.)