Correlation properties of binary pseudorandom sequence based on residue number system
It proposed to synthesize the stochastic code structures based on residue number system, which allows to form ensembles with acceptable correlation properties, cryptographic difficulty level of formed ensembles, depending on key, and with any length of sequence, which doesn't affect on the power of code structure, but defines its upper limit.
About the Authors
V. S. LitvinovBelarus
Litvinov Valentin Sergeevich - master student of information radiotechnologies department.
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki, 6, tel.: +375-29-198-33-20
D. M. Bildziuk
Senior lecturer of information radiotechnologies department.
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki, 6, tel.: +375-29-198-33-20
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For citations:
Litvinov V.S., Bildziuk D.M. Correlation properties of binary pseudorandom sequence based on residue number system. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(5):38-44. (In Russ.)