Assessment of the functional state of skin microhemodynamics by the methods of Doppler fluumetry and speckle-metry
The characteristics of blood microcirculation in human tissues have been investigated by recording and analyzing a dynamic speckle pattern. Methodical approaches have been proposed for evaluating the obtained data in order to verify speckle measurements using the widely used Doppler flowmetry technique.
About the Authors
N. D. AbramovichBelarus
Abramovich Nikolai Dmitrievich - scientific researcher.
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki str., 6, tel. +375-33-314-94-38
S. K. Dick
PhD, associate professor, first vice rector
L. A. Vasilevskaya
PhD, associate professor, leading researcher RSPC of neurology and neurosurgery
I. I. Khludeyev
PhD, associate professor, Senior researcher of the scientific research laboratory of biophysics and biotechnology BSU
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For citations:
Abramovich N.D., Dick S.K., Vasilevskaya L.A., Khludeyev I.I. Assessment of the functional state of skin microhemodynamics by the methods of Doppler fluumetry and speckle-metry. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(5):5-11. (In Russ.)