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Image complexation in the following coordinator of homing head to improve shooting efficiency of anti-aircraft missile system type «Strela-10M2»


The application of visible and infrared images integration in tracking target of the homing head (HH) to improve the shooting efficiency of anti-aircraft missile system (AAMS) type «Strela-10M2» is substantiated. A variant to reduce the firing cycle of AAMS by eliminating the fact of switching operating modes is presented. It's shown the dependence of likelihood of fire mission execution by a subunit armed with AAMS as a function of the image quality of the accompanied target characterized by a standard deviation of pixel brightness in the tracking monitor of the HH.

About the Authors

D. S. Sharak
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus

senior lectural of department of automated control system of troops

A. Yu. Liplianin
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus

Liplianin Anton Jur'evich - PG student of department of automated control system of troops 

220057, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 220

tel. +375-29-597-39-16

A. V. Khizhniak
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus

PhD, assistent of professor, head of research laboratory automated control system of troops


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For citations:

Sharak D.S., Liplianin A.Yu., Khizhniak A.V. Image complexation in the following coordinator of homing head to improve shooting efficiency of anti-aircraft missile system type «Strela-10M2». Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(8):108-115. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)