Low-temperature plasma magnetron discharge
About the Authors
I. Sh. NevliudovUkraine
D.Sci, professor, head of computer-integrated technologies, automation and mechatronics department
D. V. Gurin
D.Sci, professor of computer-integrated technologies, automation and mechatronics department
V. N. Gurin
Gurin Dmytro Valer'evich - PG student of computer-integrated technologies, automation and mechatronics department
61166, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Science ave., 14
tel. +38-057-702-14-86
K. L. Khrustalev
PhD, senior lecturer of computerintegrated technologies, automation and mechatronics department
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For citations:
Nevliudov I.Sh., Gurin D.V., Gurin V.N., Khrustalev K.L. Low-temperature plasma magnetron discharge. Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(8):93-100. (In Russ.)