
Doklady BGUIR

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Shielding characteristics of composite materials based on titanium dioxide and gypsum


Electromagnetic radiation reflection and transmission characteristics of composite materials obtained by forming into a plate a mixture based on powdered titanium dioxide and a gypsum binder were studied, depending on the thickness of these materials. According to the research results, approaches to the practical use of studied materials in electromagnetic shielding systems were developed.

About the Authors

O. V. Boiprav
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics

Boiprav Olga Vladimirovna - PhD, associate professor of information security department

220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka st., 6

tel. +375-17-293-22-09

N. A. Neverov
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics

fourth-year student of infocommunication faculty

N. V. Bogush
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics

researcher of SRL 5.3 of R&D department

L. M. Lynkou
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics

D. Sci., professor, professor of information security department


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2. Andreev M.V., Drobahin O.O., Saltykov D.Ju. Opredelenie rezonansnoj chastoty i dobrotnosti poludiskovogo dijelektricheskogo rezonatora pri pomoshhi drobno-racional'noj approksimacii // Radiofizika i radioastronomija. 2013. T. 18, № 4. C. 362–372. (in Russ.)

3. Eroshenkov M.G. Radiolokacionnyj monitoring. M.: MAKS Press, 2004. 452 s. (in Russ.)


For citations:

Boiprav O.V., Neverov N.A., Bogush N.V., Lynkou L.M. Shielding characteristics of composite materials based on titanium dioxide and gypsum. Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(8):71-75. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)