Optical properties of thin films ZNO+10 % ITO on the substrate of anodic aluminum oxide
ZnO thin films of zinc oxide doped with 10 % ITO (indium tin oxide) on anodic aluminum oxide substrates are formed in vacuum during high-frequency repetitively pulsed laser deposition. The morphology of films on porous and non-porous surfaces of substrates was studied by atomic force microscopy. The optical properties of the films in the visible, near, and middle IR regions of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, the Raman spectra, and also the features of the photoluminescence characteristics have been experimentally investigated. Zinc oxide films can be used in optoelectronic transducers, as luminescent material, in the form of transparent electrodes, sensitive layers of gas and biological sensors, catalysts, X-ray and gamma-radiation detectors.
About the Authors
N. I. MukhurovBelarus
Mukhurov Nikolai Ivanovic - D.Sci, professor, head of the laboratory of the micro- and nanosensorics
220072, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 68
tel. + 375-17-281-32-30
S. V. Denisiuk
researcher of the laboratory of microand nanosensorics
A. N. Chumakov
D.Sci, head of the laboratory of radiation plasmadynamics
A. A. Shevchenok
PhD, associate professor
L. V. Baran
PhD, head of the sector
A. G. Karoza
leading engineer of the Center for analytical and spectral measurements
T. F. Raichenok
Ph.D, Leader researcher of the laboratory of physics of infrared rays
N. A. Bosak
PhD, leader researcher of the laboratory of radiative plasmadynamics
A. A. Ivanov
master student
H. Zhang
doctor of philosophy, professor
G. Yu
doctor of philosophy, professor
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For citations:
Mukhurov N.I., Denisiuk S.V., Chumakov A.N., Shevchenok A.A., Baran L.V., Karoza A.G., Raichenok T.F., Bosak N.A., Ivanov A.A., Zhang H., Yu G. Optical properties of thin films ZNO+10 % ITO on the substrate of anodic aluminum oxide. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(1):91-98. (In Russ.)