Temperature properties of microwave generator modules
It's made an analysis of the temperature effect on the frequency instability of a generator made on the basis of a metal waveguide. In addition, the change in the electrophysical properties of the active element and the structural elements of the stabilizing resonator is estimated. Recommendations for improvement of the temperature instability of the frequency are given.
About the Authors
A. Y. BelskiBelarus
PhD, associate professor of electronics department
A. V. Gusinski
Gusinski Alexander Vladimirovich – PhD, associate professor of information security department
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovki, 6
Tel. +375-17-293-84-42
E. N. Zatsepin
PhD, associate professor of department of human engineering and ergonomics
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For citations:
Belski A.Y., Gusinski A.V., Zatsepin E.N. Temperature properties of microwave generator modules. Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(8):36-41. (In Russ.)