The results of the synthesis of radiation patterns of the spherical arrays with a reduced level of crosspolarization components of the radiation field
The article presents the results of numerical simulation of a spherical array synthesized taking into account the polarization properties of the emitters. The formation of a directional diagram of a spherical array with different width of the main lobe and the required levels of the cross-polarization component and side lobes is considered. The article also presents the results of the formation of directional diagrams of a spherical array with the required level of cross-polarization component and a given width of the main lobe at different levels of the side lobes.
About the Authors
M. O. BuselBelarus
Busel Mikhail Olegovitch - the engineer of chair of information and computing systems
220057, Minsk, Nezavisimosty ave., 220
tel. +375-29-571-76-88
A. A. Kalinin
PhD, associate professor, head of scientific research sector SKB-4
A. G. Romanovich
PhD, associate professor, head of scientific research department
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For citations:
Busel M.O., Kalinin A.A., Romanovich A.G. The results of the synthesis of radiation patterns of the spherical arrays with a reduced level of crosspolarization components of the radiation field. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(1):83-90. (In Russ.)