
Doklady BGUIR

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Measurement method for repetition frequencies of the blades of an aerial vehicle on the base of the convolution of the «secondary» modulation spectrum


A novel measurement method for repetition frequencies of the blades of an aerial vehicle (in part, helicopter's main and tail rotor) for adaptation circuits of the radar sensor with an inverse synthesis of antenna aperture is proposed. The method based on the convolution of the spectrum of the «secondary» modulation of the signal with simultaneous compensation of the Doppler frequency of the reflected signal. This allows in typical conditions for the radar sensor rapid change of Doppler frequency to provide a long coherent accumulation and, accordingly, high accuracy of measurement of the rotational frequencies of the rotors.

About the Authors

S. R. Heister
Research institute of the Armed forces of Republic of Belarus

Heister Sergey Romanovich - D.Sci., professor, main researcher

220013, Minsk, P. Brovka st., 6

T. T. Nguyen
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics
PG student of information radiotechnologies department


1. Gejster S.R., Kurlovich V.I., Shaljapin S.V. Jeksperimental'nye issledovanija spektral'nyh portretov vintovyh i turboreaktivnyh samoletov v radiolokatore obzora s nepreryvnym zondirujushhim signalom // Radiolokacija i radiometrija: sb. st. iz nauch.-tehn. serii. 2000. Vyp. 3. S. 90–96. (in Russ.)

2. Gejster S.R., Nguen T.T. Oblik radiolokacionnogo datchika obnaruzhenija i raspoznavanija nizkoletjashhih celej, ispol'zujushhego obrashhennyj sintez apertury antenny // Nauka i voen. bezopasnost'. 2017. № 1 (51). S. 22–27. (in Russ.)

3. Gejster S.R., Nguen T.T. Matematicheskie modeli radiolokacionnogo signala, otrazhennogo ot vinta vertoleta, v prilozhenii k obrashhennomu sintezu apertury // Nauka i voen. bezopasnost'. 2018. № 3 (57). S. 34–40. (in Russ.)

4. Gejster S.R., Nguen T.T. Mahovye dvizhenija i izgiby lopastej nesushhego vinta vertoleta v modeli otrazhennogo signala // Nauka i voen. bezopasnost'. 2018. № 4 (58). S. 21–29. (in Russ.)


For citations:

Heister S.R., Nguyen T.T. Measurement method for repetition frequencies of the blades of an aerial vehicle on the base of the convolution of the «secondary» modulation spectrum. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(1):68-74. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)