Using the cylindrical rod method and a vector network analyzer to determine the dielectric permittivity of materials on microwave range
It's considered the way in which the method of a cylindrical rod together with a vector network analyzer is used to determine the dielectric constant. The algorithm for determining the dielectric constant is developed. Dependences of the dielectric constant of textolite and fluoroplastic on the frequency in the range 25.95–37.5 GHz are investigated.
About the Authors
N. A. PevnevaBelarus
Pevneva Natalia Alekseevna -researcher of Center 1.9 of R&D department
220013, Minsk, P. Brovka st., 6
tel. +375-17-294-55-08
A. L. Gurskii
D.Sci, professor, professor of information protection department
A. M. Kostrikin
PhD, deputy director of Center 1.9 of R&D department
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For citations:
Pevneva N.A., Gurskii A.L., Kostrikin A.M. Using the cylindrical rod method and a vector network analyzer to determine the dielectric permittivity of materials on microwave range. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(1):56-61. (In Russ.)