Study of distribution of thermal fluxes in a plate of aluminum with nanoporous aluminum oxide by means of thermal imaging measurements
The paper presents the results of studies of heat fluxes in a printed circuit board made of aluminum with nanoporous anodic alumina, generated by linear heat source. It is established that in this case the shape of the cone of the heat pipe with the beginning from a point heating source on the surface was characterized by expansion towards the back side of the aluminum base. This effect leads to a decrease in the thermal resistance of the printed circuit board.
About the Authors
H. T. DinhBelarus
PG student of information security department
N. V. Lushpa
Lushpa Nikita Vasil'evich - master student of micro- and nanoelectronics department
220013, Minsk. P. Brovki st., 6
tel. +375-29-349-07-00
K. V. Chernyakova
PhD, associate professor, leading researcher of Center 10.1 of R&D department
I. A. Vrublevsky
PhD, associate professor, leading researcher of the SRL 5.3 of R&D department
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For citations:
Dinh H.T., Lushpa N.V., Chernyakova K.V., Vrublevsky I.A. Study of distribution of thermal fluxes in a plate of aluminum with nanoporous aluminum oxide by means of thermal imaging measurements. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(1):45-50. (In Russ.)