A new results in the analysis of the multidimensional data: multidimensional-matrix polynomial regression analysis
The new results in the analysis of the multidimensional data received in the BSUIR in the area of the polynomial regression analysis are discussed. The statement of the problem of the regression analysis under conditions of the multidimensional-matrix input and output variables and the polynomial regression function is formulated. The solution to the problem in the form of the system of the linear equations relatively the unknown parameters is given. The properties and distributions of the estimations of the parameters of the affine regression function are investigated, that allow testing hypothesizes about the parameters. The computer simulation confirming the theory is performed.
About the Author
V. S. MukhaBelarus
Mukha Vladimir Stepanovich - D.Sci, professor, professor of department of automated data processing systems
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka st., 6
tel. +375-17-293-88-23;
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For citations:
Mukha V.S. A new results in the analysis of the multidimensional data: multidimensional-matrix polynomial regression analysis. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(3):57-64. (In Russ.)