Semantic technologies of intelligent systems design and semantic associative computers
The analysys of the problem of ensuring compatibility of computer systems was carried out. The basic principles underlying the OSTIS technology, one of the tasks of which is the solution of this problem was discussed. Special attention is paid to the principles of semantic associative computers construction, which are the hardware basis for the interpretation of systems developed on the basis of this technology.
About the Authors
V. V. GolenkovBelarus
Golenkov Uladzimir Vasil'evich - D.Sci, professor, head of the department of intelligent information technologies
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka st., 6
tel. +375-17-293-23-24
N. A. Gulyakina
PhD, associate professor, associate professor of the department of intelligent information technologies
I. T. Davydenko
PhD, associate professor of the department of intelligent information technologies
D. V. Shunkevich
PhD, associate professor of the department of intelligent information technologies
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For citations:
Golenkov V.V., Gulyakina N.A., Davydenko I.T., Shunkevich D.V. Semantic technologies of intelligent systems design and semantic associative computers. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(3):42-50. (In Russ.)