The algorithm of radioelectronic suppression of radiostations with frequency-hopping spread spectrum
The algorithm for suppressing tactical radiostations with frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) was developed. The effectiveness impact of polyharmonic unmodulated interference on the radiotransmission of a radio station with FHSS was estimated.
About the Authors
A. L. MatyushkovBelarus
PhD, associate professor of department of information radiotechnologies
V. O. Senyuk
master student of information radiotechnologies
K. V. Stupin
Stupin Konstantsin Vladimirovich - master student of information radiotechnologies
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki st., 6
tel. +375-25-528-56-03
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For citations:
Matyushkov A.L., Senyuk V.O., Stupin K.V. The algorithm of radioelectronic suppression of radiostations with frequency-hopping spread spectrum. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(1):5-10. (In Russ.)