Method of direct synthesis of electric filters on elements with distributed parameters
The method of synthesis of electric filters on elements with distributed parameters is presented. This method for the first time allows designing frequency selective microwave circuits using the features of classical theory. A simple synthesis procedure presents the opportunity for the developer to perform calculations without applying additional transformations, which significantly affects the accuracy of time and production. An example of the synthesis of a fifth-order low-pass filter is given.
About the Author
A. A. SvirydzenkaBelarus
Svirydzenka Anatoli Anatolievitch - senior lecturer of the department of tactics and armament of anti-aircraft missile forces
220057, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Nezavisimosty ave., 220
tel. +375-29-200-71-06
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For citations:
Svirydzenka A.A. Method of direct synthesis of electric filters on elements with distributed parameters. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(4):85-91. (In Russ.)