Substantiation of the criteria for evaluating of the quality of restoring distorted images for the iterative algorithm in correlation detection systems
The analysis of quality criteria for evaluating images susceptible subjected to distortions such as «blur» and «defocusing» has been carried out. The criterion for assessing the quality of the recovery process, defined as the degree of similarity of the histogram of the gradients of the reconstructed image with the distribution of brightness gradients obtained a priori, was substantiated.
About the Authors
A. Yu. LiplianinBelarus
Liplianin Anton Yurievich - PG student of the department automated control system of troops
220057, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave. 220,
tel. +375-29-504-68-59
A. V. Khizhniak
PhD, associate of professor, the chief of chair automated control system of troops
A. V. Sergeenko
squad leader of the department of signal and automated control system
N. V. Tsarenkov
deputy commander of platoon of the department signal and automated control system
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For citations:
Liplianin A.Yu., Khizhniak A.V., Sergeenko A.V., Tsarenkov N.V. Substantiation of the criteria for evaluating of the quality of restoring distorted images for the iterative algorithm in correlation detection systems. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(4):64-71. (In Russ.)