Evaluation of the angular coordinates in survey radar stations with subsystems for spatial noise compensation
The optimal variant and modification of quasi-optimal target bearing estimation algorithms in a survey two-coordinate radar station with a spatial interference compensation subsystem are substantiated. Algorithms are based on intraperiod interference cancellation operations with «whitening» of their results in the time domain by dividing the sum of weighted internal noise by estimating the root-mean-square voltage value and uncompensated residuals of external interference, calculating the expected signal for all possible target positions within the uncertainty domain, constructing and maximizing the likelihood function in the form of the mutual correlation function of isolated implementation and the reference signal. The results of the evaluation of the root-mean-square errors of estimating the angular coordinates of the target are given.
About the Authors
S. V. KozlovBelarus
Kozlov Sergei Vyacheslavovich - D. Sci., associate professor, professor of information radioengineering department
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka str., 6
tel. +375-17-293-89-11
Vu. Thanh Ha
PG student of information radioengineering department
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For citations:
Kozlov S.V., Thanh Ha V. Evaluation of the angular coordinates in survey radar stations with subsystems for spatial noise compensation. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(4):48-56. (In Russ.)