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Morphological and spectral analysis of histological tissue with the use of deep convolutional networks


The results of a study of the application of deep neural convolutional networks to hyperspectral images are presented.

About the Authors

S. V. Trukhan
United institute of informatics problems of National academy of sciences of Belarus

Trukhan Stanislau Vyacheslavovich - PG student of UIIP NAS of Belarus

220012, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Surganova st., 6


A. M. Nedzved
United institute of informatics problems of National academy of sciences of Belarus

D.Sci, professor, chief researcher of UIIP NAS of Belarus

A. Kohler

PhD, professor in physics at RealTek


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For citations:

Trukhan S.V., Nedzved A.M., Kohler A. Morphological and spectral analysis of histological tissue with the use of deep convolutional networks. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(4):25-31. (In Russ.)

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