Morphological and spectral analysis of histological tissue with the use of deep convolutional networks
The results of a study of the application of deep neural convolutional networks to hyperspectral images are presented.
About the Authors
S. V. TrukhanBelarus
Trukhan Stanislau Vyacheslavovich - PG student of UIIP NAS of Belarus
220012, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Surganova st., 6
A. M. Nedzved
D.Sci, professor, chief researcher of UIIP NAS of Belarus
A. Kohler
PhD, professor in physics at RealTek
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For citations:
Trukhan S.V., Nedzved A.M., Kohler A. Morphological and spectral analysis of histological tissue with the use of deep convolutional networks. Doklady BGUIR. 2019;(4):25-31. (In Russ.)