Temperature correction technique in thermographic methods
About the Author
A. P. IvanovBelarus
1. Barun V.V., Ivanov A.P. Thermal action of a short light pulse on biological tissues // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 2003. Vol. 46 (17). P. 3243-3254. Hale G.M., Querry M. R. Optical constants of water in the 200 nm to 200 um wavelength region // Appl. Opt. 1973. Vol. 12. P. 555-563. Карслоу Г., Егер Д. Теплопроводность твердых тел. М.: Наука, 1964. 488 с.
2. Barun V.V., Ivanov A.P. Thermal action of a short light pulse on biological tissues // Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 2003. Vol. 46 (17). P. 3243-3254. Hale G.M., Querry M. R. Optical constants of water in the 200 nm to 200 um wavelength region // Appl. Opt. 1973. Vol. 12. P. 555-563. Карслоу Г., Егер Д. Теплопроводность твердых тел. М.: Наука, 1964. 488 с.
For citations:
Ivanov A.P. Temperature correction technique in thermographic methods. Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(7):41-46. (In Russ.)