System for collecting, analyzing and visualizing data about devices in the Internet
About the Authors
Sh. R. DavlatovBelarus
P. V. Kuchynski
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2. Search Engine Backed by Internet-Wide Scanning / D. Zakir [et al.] // Proc. of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Denver, Colorado, USA, October 12-16, 2015. P. 572-553.
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4. Наиболее популярные белорусские интернет-ресурсы [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 15.12.2017).
5. Davy C., Arno M., Mohamed A. Introducing Data Science: Big Data, Machine Learning, and more, using Python tools. Manning, 2016. 322 p.
6. Joel G. Data Science from Scratch. O'Reilly Media, 2015. 330 p.
7. Вандер П. Python для сложных задач. Наука о данных и машинное обучение. O'ReillyMedia, 2018. 576 с.
For citations:
Davlatov Sh.R., Kuchynski P.V. System for collecting, analyzing and visualizing data about devices in the Internet. Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(6):19-25. (In Russ.)